Shine Micro, Inc. sponsored the Department of Homeland Security Innovation Summit, featuring key officials from DHS, FEMA, and the TSA and hosted by the Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition.
The DHS Innovation Summit offered PNDC member companies direct connections with DHS officials to highlight their capabilities, products, and services. Keynote speakers presented valuable insights into working with DHS, identifying and winning contract opportunities, and finding industry liaisons for procurement assistance.
The Keynote speakers included:

- Jaclyn Smyth – Director, Strategic Sourcing Program Office, DHS
- Katrina Brisbon – Head of Contracting Activity, Assistant Administrator for Contracting and Procurement, Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
- Jeffrey Jackson – Deputy Chief Component Procurement Officer, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Presentations included annual budget trends within DHS, and the goods and services in highest demand. How to connect with the agency to which your capabilities are most relevant, and how to use Strategic Sourcing vehicles for offering products and services to multiple component agencies within DHS, were also dynamic and advantageous topics of discussion.
Stephanie Nevarez
Marketing Manager
Shine Micro, Inc.
360-437-2503 phone
360-437-2483 fax
Shine Micro designs and manufactures high-sensitivity AIS receivers for real-time, persistent monitoring applications including Maritime Domain Awareness, Asset Tracking and Analytics, Intelligence and Surveillance, Traffic Management, Search and Rescue, Environmental Protection, and more.
The Pacific Northwest Defense Coalition (PNDC) is the association for Northwest defense and security industry businesses. PNDC focuses on strengthening our members’ business growth, our region’s economy, and our nation’s security through training, one-on-one counseling, business-to-business networking, and advocacy.